Saturday, 24 March 2012

Deux Chevaux bonnet found

We are planning for our next project, the Scraptorzoic Era at the Magdalen Project to make sculptures using have the fronts of three iconic cars, the Volkswagen Beetle, the Austin Mini and the Citroen Deux Chevaux. We had the first two but lacked the last until a chance conversation led Anthony to a barn within ten minutes drive where Deux Chevaux seem to have bred. The kind owner donated a bonnet.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


We have made a start on the Giant Spawn with Embryonic creatures for our Scraptorzoic Era at the Magdalen Project (see below).  For Magdalen's Open 'Spring on the Farm' Day on Sunday April 29th, we hope to create more sections of this growing piece, so that visitors have a better idea of what it may look like as a whole.   The spawn shapes are being constructed from retrieved chicken wire, thin steel grids, old broken sieves, collanders and unwanted tights/stockings.  If you have any of the above materials you'd be happy to donate (especially large wire sieves), and live local to Somerset, we would be very grateful for your contribution!

Spawn (above); Embryonic Scraptorzoids in progress (below)